
In your own opinion on SF Giants...

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What is your thinking on the SF Giants and who are your favorite players on their team??




  1. They're garbage and should trade lincecum, they'r only good player

  2. Proud franchise going through a bad period. Management needs an overhaul and they should clear out the veterans to restock and bring in some more young player to rebuild around. Badly in need of a coherent five year plan.

  3. pitching is great.

    the team sucks but is young and building in the post-bonds era

    lincecum and cain are the top two players on the team.

    fred lewis is left is also pretty fun to watch.

  4. I honestly think they are the worst team in baseball.....they have a bad management and bad ownership.............its been awhile since they won the world series.........and no favs. at all

  5. I think they're a bad team with bad management. No favorites. At all.

  6. A Team that got rid of Itself and it Talent Including Barry Bonds, If they got rid of Him They will crash and Burn, and Now they are Crashing and Burning.

  7. lincecum is 1 of my favorite players but the giants r a pathetic team

  8. I like them and they still have a chance at the division. Even though it is a very slim chance. My favorite player has to be Cain. I've loved him ever since he was a rookie. I don't like Lincecum that much. And here's the embarrassing part...Zito is my 2nd favorite player. Despite what numbers he puts up here, I just can't forget the season he had on the A's

  9. Well they are one of this seasons worst, no doubt.

    They struggle offensively day in day out. How Lincecum has all those wins, I have no idea. They must be waiing until off season to improve that team cause they certainly didnt bother before the trading deadline.

    They most definitely need a makeover otherwise those guys are going to be one large frustrated group.

  10. Alright i'm going to start off by saying that the giants are my team and have been for as long as i can remember. possible bias alert.

    At the moment, the Giants aren't terrible but they are still really bad. The offense is seriously lacking in power and a solid AVG guy. Once players get on base, they rarely score. Most often they're picked, thrown out, or left on. I went to every game of the Braves series this past week. Emmanuel Burriss got picked clean at first by Hampton and Randy Winn was gunned at second by McCann, not to mention the absolute seed Francouer threw to gun Freddy on a sac fly.

    Pitching on the other hand, is very solid. The future of this franchise is pitching. Once Lowry is back and we pick up a couple solid offensive role players, we'll be back in contention. Lincecum and Cain are showing ace form, and Sanchez started strong, though he is slowing badly. Zito hopefully can figure things out soon, but that looks bleak. Lowry won 15 last season, who's to say it won't happen again.

    In review: Right now, we suck. Five years from now: who knows?

  11. How can people say they are the worst team when obviously they aren't. There are three teams with worst records than the Giants. The Nationals having the lowest record to date. The Giants are in a rebuilding process with a lot of potential for future years. Yes they do need better management and some more power but as of now they have what they have and thats that. My favorite players though are Tim Lincecum and Omar Vizquel. I say Omar because his fielding at shortstop is a beautiful thing to watch. He knows the game so well and makes even hard plays look easy. He doesn't dive after balls like other players when he can easily run it down and though his hitting has suffered this year I am still glad he is on the Giants.

    I don't know why everyone has started hating on the Giants recently. If its because of Bonds then you need to grow up and get a life. As far as I'm concerned all you ban wagon jumping Red Sox and Yankee fans can just mind your own business. I have always been a Giants fan and will continue to be. Their day will come.  

  12. I think the San Fransico Giants have bad managment and i don't like any of there players but i have 3 players who i like on ther team...

    1. Barry Zito

    2. Dave Roberts

    3. Matt Cain

    These players who try to play.  

  13. I love the Giants almost as much as I love the A's.

    Tim Lincecum, Rowand, and Bengie are my favorite players.  

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