
In your own words, what is global warming?

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please, tell me in your own words, what is global warming?

whats the threat of global warming and what can we do to stop global warming?

in your own words remeber!!




  1. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  2. I think its a load of old Bollxxks and Miracle s you shouldnt be on here if you are only 12 , this site is for over 13's

  3. when the earht heats up, we can stop it by takeing the acses co2 in the air.

  4. global warming is global warming.....haha....

    MY OWN WORDS ---> the other meaning of global warming is actually caused by air pollution. I not really sure cuz im only 12 yrs old.....this just what i know....and is also greenhouse effect. Alas..I not sure....

  5. Taxes, biggest hoax ever played on mankind, follow the money trail with these agendas

  6. Global warming is a myth perpetrated on an unsophisticated, gullible society by people who are pursuing personal gain.

    The climate is in a constant state of change. Ever hear the saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change". You could also say wait five hours, five days, five years, five decades, five centuries...

    Did you know that Vikings settled in Greenland beginning around 1000AD, and grazed sheep on vast fields of lush green grass (hence the name Greenland). Over the next couple of centuries, the climate changed bringing cooler weather, more snow and eventually ending the sheep grazing business. Archaeologist, studying the bones and remains of the Vikings buried there have confirmed that over the decades that the Vikings inhabited Greenland, their diet gradually changed from the meat and veggies provided by good farming, to seafood. Eventually, the Viking settlers died out or returned to Scandinavia.

    What's Greenland like today? There still isn't much sheep and cattle grazing going on! The place is mostly ice pack and glacier. It was MUCH warmer a thousand years ago than it is now.

    Global warming is not man made, it's not unnatural, and it's not going to stop because you installed fluorescent lights.

  7. Global warming is a natural phenomenon and this warming period we are experiencing started when the last glaciation period ended. It's not a constant upward trend, just like the stock market it has many upward and downward trends. We just experienced one such upward trend and we are now starting to cool off again.

  8. A MYTH!!!!!!!

    It's natural for the year to change!!!

    Millions of years ago England was a tropical rain forest then it turned into tundra!!!

    GLOBAL WARMING IS A MYTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. What is GW; A lie, a myth, a propogated falisy pushed on us by anti-capitalist swine.

    What's that threat of GW; morons being recognized as experts, industry being regulated to death.

    What can we do to stop GW; Put the idiots that believe in this junk on an island where they can't bother me anymore.

  10. A natural cycle of warming and cooling that has occurred since our planet came into being.

    The real threat of global warming is more government control over each and every life to the point that they determine who lives or dies.

    Not a single thing that man can do  can speed up or slow down this natural cycle.

  11. we use cfc gases which wen once used move upwards in the sky and reach the ozone layer, fight with the ozone molecules and destroy them. this creates holes in ozone layer. many harmful rays of the sun enter the earth which wer otherwise stopped by ozone. this leads 2 a rise in the temperature.  b'coz of rising temperature the ice melts which leads 2 rise in water levels.

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