
In your own words what is a "Mark" & what is a "Smark" ?

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Avoid calling other users names as we are all wrestling fans....




  1. Mark-A fan that believes that everything that happens during a wrestling event is real

    Smark-A fan who likes wrestling despite it being staged or becasue they know it is staged.

  2. Well IMO:

    Mark - Someone who thinks wrestling is 100% real, is enjoying it as entertainment and generally cheers for the faces (without knowing what a face is).

    Smark - Someone who knows that wrestling is scripted yet still watches for the wrestling, knows their wrestling terminology e.g. knows the correct term for a wrestling move, knows wrestling slang e.g. blading, face, heel...etc and knows some backstage goings on such as real heat between to wrestlers.

  3. These are the real definitions:

    Mark- A wrestling fan....period. They are the regular wrestling fan that goes to the show, watches it, boos and cheers accordingly, and goes home. They are not part of the wrestling business.

    Smark (or smart mark)- A wrestling fan who knows more about the business than a mark. In other words, they watch the shows still, but can tell fake from real, look through storylines, and read "news" about wrestlers. These people are not part of the business.

    I really hate both terms, and I try not to use them, especially when regarding anyone in the Wrestling Section. Technically, we would all be called "marks" by definition if we approached someone that's in the business.

  4. Well, i think that a...

    Mark - is somebody who thinks that parts of what you see are real or somebody who is just a big fan of a company or someone.

    and a...

    Smark - I think these are the people who know wrestling is fake but still watch and like it anyway.

    And to be honest, i dont even use those words..infact i dont think i've ever used them on here.

  5. To be honest, I'm not sure what they really mean, but I'll try to answer it. In my own words I would define a "Mark" as a person who watches a certain promotion/company and only be stuck with that promotion or company. They would often defend it their main promotion they watch and not be open to other promotions.

    A "smark" would be like a so called "smart fan", but more like a "mark" due to that persons knowledge in that certain promotion and nowhere else. I think that person would be called a "casual fan" or something, I don't know.

    Sorry, but I tried to answer it. I know I will end up getting thumbs down because I don't know the definition.

    - T.T.

  6. In my own words

    "Nothing but a bunch of WWE rejects in TNA"-mark

    "Nothing is original in wrestling anymore"-smark

    "Nothing is good right now, everything is so wrong"-super smarks

  7. Though I don't use these terms but acc. to me every wrestling fan is a MARK, all what matters is passion & interest in wrestling , for the others I'd just say "casual fans" who won't follow it if they found its scripted or not interested in the inside stuff.

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