
In your team's past.... (read on)??

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In your team's past and up to this present season ,who would you say are the team's best defensive pairing ever and why? Please state the team as well.




  1. Kubina-Boyle of the '04 Bolts

  2. That is tough because in the 70s the Canadien didn't have but one dominant d-man in Larry Robinson, we had a second one named Guy Lapointe, and then a third called Serge Savard, so dominant they were that the press called them << the big three >>

  3. I really like our current pairing of Volchenkov and Phillips. Experience, shot blocking, physical can shut down top lines. Not much history to go through

  4. I always liked the Mark Howe / Brad McCrimmon pairing the Flyers had during the Keenan years. Mark was a great skater/puck handler and "The Beast" was a very capable partner who was a solid, all-around player.

  5. Ottawa Senators. Redden and Chara easily. Now both are gone.

  6. The big three were excellent d-men.  But I'm going with Stevens and Niedermayer.  Both were more than strong in their own end, Stevens was arguably the best hitter ever, Nied's can skate and handle the puck with the best, and both had great shots.

  7. New Jersey Devils, Scott Stevens and Scott Niedermayer.  Stevens was a big tough defenseman, who landed hard clean hits and was very defensive minded.  Niedermayber on the other hand, though an amazing defenseman, had a scoring touch.  They compliment each other very well.

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