
Incapacity Benefit Help

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This is the first time i have been out of work for 20 yrs i am on Incapacity Benefit can anyone tell me if i will get free Dental treatment ect thank you.




  1. Perhaps but it is not automatic

    Incapacity benefit does not 'passport' you to free NHS benefits like dentists and prescription etc. You only automatically qualify if you receive a means tested benefit like income Support or Child tax Credits at above basic element

    You may still qualify on the basis of a low income, but you need to apply for this. You apply on form HC1 which you can get from your local jobcentre. It will look at your income and the income of your partner if you have one, A decision will be made based on your household income. If you qualify you will get an HC2 exemption card or an HC3 reduced payment card

    while you apply get recepits from the chemist on a FP57 and you can claim any over payment back using an HC5 form from the local jobcentre

    All this info is in the DWP leaflet HC 11 'help with medical costs' which you can download here

  2. OK my mum has recently came off incapacity benefit and for a long time she used to pay for her prescriptions.

    In the ned she got a form which I ordered from the intenet where she had to fill out all her earnings, with what she was getting and they decided whether she was entitled to free or reduced cost items.

    It turns out thsat she was entitled to all along.

    So find a form for claiming free or reduced prescription charges on the NHS and apply.

  3. You have to pay i am afraid if that is the only benefit that you have. The ones that allow you to get free prescriptions and dentist are income support and a higher level of child tax credits

    If your only income is incapacity benefit you may be able to claim the cost back if you get a receipt. People on low incomes can qualify with help with dental & optical costs as well as prescriptions by asking for form HC1 from the dwp.

    The HC1 form can be used to claim help with NHS Prescriptions; NHS Dental Treatment; NHS wigs and fabric supports; sight tests, glasses and contact lenses; and travel to hospital for NHS treatment.

  4. yes they can

  5. You are incapacity. Yes

  6. Hi,yes you are entitled to free dental.glasses & prescriptions.They should give you a letter informing you of your rights.

  7. I think if you claim certain tax creds whilst working,u get a tax exemption card which allows you to continue with free treatment...ask your local job centre,they will know.

  8. No I dont think so, I think you also have to pay for prescriptions, check out cab or yougov it will tell all there.

  9. This may give you the information you require,As there may be a lot of other items you may be entitled to Council tax rebate etc.They have telephone help line numbers too.Just click the link below. Then site search on the right              You may be able to get income support too check out all your rights.I have found the site very helpful in the past.  Good Luck

  10. sorry to differ here.  I had to give up work due to circumstances about 7 years ago and am on Incapacity Benefit. I have to pay for prescriptions dentist  glasses etc..  I worked for over 35 years and have all of my stamps for when I reach 60.   I don`t think you get things free on this benefit  read the back of a prescription.  Unless I have to pay because my husband is working full time.  I hope you sort it out.

  11. Hi tom9437, I am in the same situation as you, I have just started to get incapacity, after 30 years of work.  If you take your letter about your incapacity with you ,you can get free dental, free perscriptions, and also free eye tests, but I am not sure what else you can get from the opticians ( I think you get free lenses, but have to pay for the frames) you might need to ask them about that one.  The DWP, don't seem to give you this information for some reason.  Hope this helps.xx

  12. yes,you will now get free dental,eye treatment and prescriptions.

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