
Incapacity benefit...?

by  |  earlier

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i had to go on incapacity benefit after having an operation on my back, working 9 years on the railway i could take the pain any more, i got my first incapacity benefit pay on the 6th , when will i get paid again do they pay weekly or fortnightly? thanks :)




  1. it is paid fortnightlyy.  IF you have not got enough money to live on you can also claim for income support if you have savings of £6000 or les.

    You may also be entiled to disability living allowance.

    Get in touch with job centre plus they will help you

  2. its fortnightly or 4 weekly payments from incapacity.

    if you end up longterm sick you will be taken off of benefit and your national insurance credits will be paid instead to ensure that you get a pension when you retire.  

  3. It's paid fortnightly so your next will be due on 20th

    You need a full benefit check carried out - go to your local citzens advice for free advise, you may qualify for DLA, Income Support or Industrial Injuries Benefit depending on your circumstances - go have a chat with CAB to ensure you are getting all you are entitled to
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