
Incident when people were naturally good?

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when is a case when people put aside their evil ways and showed that they were naturally nice?




  1. Last year I was diagnosed with MS. Before the doctors figured out what was wrong with me I fell several times in public. Each time everyone around came to my aid. It did not matter their age, social status or how big a hurry they were in. The first time I fell it really scared me and one couple took the time to see that I got help and home safely as I wasn't able to get do so by myself.

    Oh, and I do not believe the vast majority of people have any evil in them. That word is being to be overused and misapplied in our society and will soon loose it's meaning. Being selfish, mean, rude, hateful and a general jerk is not evil. Evil is murdering for no reason, hurting children and torturing people for ones on pleasure and so on. It is not stealing your boyfriend, keying your car, political malfeasance or failing to yield right away, all of which I have heard called evil.

  2. Have you watched the movie "The Dark Night"? if you have, and I know it is only a movie but I think it is a good example of the situation, then try to remember the scene when the prisoner decides to not blow the other boat up. That is an example of naturally being good, and I know it happens in our world everyday, but if you were looking for like an example of natural goodness, then that is one, even if it is fake.

  3. yeh its true many people life changed by an incidents etc.

  4. The olympics is a wonderful example. People from all over the world come together to witness a display of talent, even though they're all rooting for different people to win.

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