
Inclusion Assignment?

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I am thinking about writing about how to include a child that has an Individualized Education Plan into the classroom setting:

I want to know what people think if this follows the assignment or not? Also does anyone know any good books about my topic I mention above and a good website?

This is a sample of my assignment:

Write a 1600 to 2000 word essay on one aspect of including children with special needs into an early childhood education program. Use and site at least three sources. One source may be the text and only one may be from the World Wide Web. Include what you believe to be the benefits and challenges of full inclusion and how you would address the challenge




  1. As a Special Education student, I think this will be a great topic for your assignment. The topic of students in inclusion classes is often debated; you can find a lot of valuable information on this topic as well in your research. I would use articles form “Journal of Special Education” and “Exceptional Children”, these journals may be found in you local school library.

    Inclusion supports the concept that all children should learn together with their peers without disabilities in the same classrooms in their neighborhood schools as much as possible.

    Families, teachers, and directors beliefs about inclusion influence how inclusion practices are planned and carried out. Beliefs about human diversity culture, race, language, class ability also influence how inclusion is carried out. I believe that we should mainly focus on meeting the needs of the students. Just because a child is in special education does not mean that they can not functions in a classroom with in the general population.

    When you focus on the special education sector it is wise to focus on the child abilities rather then the disabilities, when you focus that way inclusion is worked at its best.

    Not all teachers can teach inclusion, because you have to present units to your class at much slower pace to accommodate each need for the students within the class.

    In your paper I think you should began with the history of inclusion- like how it began where its head then. Focus on the benefits then the challenges its a lot of information out there.

  2. It may be interesting to mention the barriers that prevent successful inclusion.......lack of money .....lack of training...and the biggest barrier is ATTITUDE. That's the hard one to change. Good luck.

  3. The gov't program called 'headstart' is an early childhood program  that  focuses on disabled, learning impaired, physcially impaired, etc children  being in the regular classrooms.

    I have had lots of experience with headstart and they are a very good place for children with disablities.
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