
Incompetent Cervix??

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I would like to know if any of you out there have an incompetent cervix with a cerclage done, and if so, when did you have the cerclage taken out? and how long after you had it taken out did it take you to go into labor? I am really interested in this b/c i have 2 weeks left with the stitch in and i would like to know how long it will take for me to go into labor.




  1. I am having one put in Sept. 3. My Dr. and the high risk Dr. I see both told me they are taken out at 37 weeks and some people will immediately go into labor and others have lasted 1 to 2 weeks after the cerclage removal to go into labor. My reg. Dr. said she remembers one case where it was removed at 37 weeks and the lady didn't deliver until 41 weeks but that is a really rare occurance.

  2. I also have an incompetent cervix.  Not sure how that came about, my mother miscarried 6 times.  Before she became pregnant with me (7th pregnancy) she started seeing a different doctor for the planning process.  Surprisingly this one doctor out of all the other doctor's she had seen before diagnosed her with this problem (it's a shame she had to go thru the loss 6 x's).  So, she had a procedure done and here I am (31 years later).  Some way some how it was passed along to me, now I am concerned that my daughter might have the same problem, although, it's too soon to tell since she's only 9 years old now, but it's something to keep in mind incase your little bundle of joy is a girl.  Well, I never thought I had the same problem until I delivered my son at 26 weeks (12 years ago), weighing only 1 lb 6 oz ( a miracle he survived), it was in the hospital while giving birth to him that I found out I had an incompetent cervix.  So, when I got pregnant with my daughter, once her heartbeat was detected the out patient surgery was scheduled and completed.  It was a couple days until my due date that I had a morning doctor's appointment and it was there in the office that he cut my stitch (I'll never forget the pain and discomfort I felt then) and late night into the early morning the labor pains began and that afternoon we had a beautiful healthy baby girl.  It is amazing, the procedures that can be done to help women like us that have problems carrying out our pregnancies full term.  I am now planning my 3rd pregnancy and looking forward to getting the cerclage stitch again, but this time I will ask that the stitch is cut once I am in the hospital going into labor, that way the pain won't be as bad with the contractions and all.  I hope this information has been helpful to you, please let me know if there is anything else I might be able to answer for you.  Good Luck and Congratulations!!  

  3. I was supposed to have a cerclage done, but my doctor opted for progesterone shots (weekly) instead, so far so good.  I was told and have read that some women go into labor as soon as the stitch is taken out, but everyone is different.  Good luck and congrats!!!
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