
Inconsistencies in Star Wars...........?

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This is about the technology in Star Wars..

How come their medical technology was nowhere near as impressive as the rest of the stuff?

Let's see they have laser swords, anti-gravity vehicles, warp drives, sentient robots, clones......and yet all they could do for poor ol' Vader was stick a cheap looking plastic helmet on his disfigured mug and fix him up with some crappy prosthetics and a respirator!

I mean COME ON, what about regeneration, skin grafts, limb transplants, all that stuff is scientifically plausible now in the 21st century where we haven't even come close to sentient robots and warp-speed space travel yet it's too much for mighty Star Wars, what's the deal here, man?

~angry nerd~




  1. well remember, this took place in a galaxy far away a long time ago. ppl in the starwars univers arent us, so their technology would evolve along a different line. they did have incredable medical tech; they also had things like bacta and kolto. and what they were able to do with beings like vader and greivous are really asounding when you think about it.

    and for limb transplants, where would hey get fresh arms?

    not like they can use dead arms and sew them on

    ad the replacements arent really prostetic, the robotic limbs are connected to the brain and are like a real hand (unlike todays prostetics where you have to flex to make them move, etc. and by the time of the 1st galactic empire the hands had feeling (like lukes hand at the end of empire strikes back

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