
Increaing Crude prices, how can be controlled?

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Just thought about increasing oil prices. The so called poor nations like India, Thailand, Malasia all together should stop exporting food products like rice and demand that if they get crude at subsidised prices then they will export rice and other food items to those OPEC countries. People cannot live on Oil. This will let the soaring oil prices reduce and also good power for countries like India. What do you all think? This should be taken to the Govt. level.




  1. I mention it to obama next time I see him.

  2. It's more than just supply and demand.

    More and more individuals are becoming lazy and shirking hard work and relying on energy source alternatives.Millions of people world-wide are wasting physical and natural resources and recyclable materials that could cause a significant reduction in energy expense requirements. You can only turn this high price tide back only if each and everyone participated aggressively.

    Would you and other members of your family run an exercycle at home a few minutes every day to run a dynmo that would recharge battery and light up your house with CFL bulbs or run a radio instead of the hydro power or coal or oil generated electricity ( similar to an automotive electric supply system ).

    There can be many similar ventures to save energy and power and ultimately change the demand and supply equation.  

  3. I don't know if you have noticed, but, the price of crude has dropped almost $40 in the past 3 weeks.  If we take any actions now, it could blow up in our face and climb back up again.  I think we should leave it alone and let the markets straighten itself out over the next 2 or 3 months.

  4. we have to take steps to reduce oil consumption

    govt should provide sufficient public transport facilities to discourage usage of cars unnecessarily.

    tax on cars should be tribled so as to compell public to use public transport.

    scientists to be encouraged for inventing alternative fuel.

    these things cannot happen immediately. but in the longrun atleast nxt generation will reap the fruits

  5. it could be controlled by using vechiles that use methane gas or any other mediums than crude oil.

  6. the poor have no power except to organize so they could have a sit down protest at every gas station thereby stopping the sell of overpriced oil,

    and it is true that there is a conspiracy of rich oil companies and country's cause its an election year and the price of oil is going down even though Iran wants to go to war for nukes and Russia and Georgia are also oil producing countries, but the price is still going down when Every other year they go up, with the exception of election years.

  7. It's about supply and demand, and the fact that oil companies are involved.  Oil companies are just that, COMPANIES.  Their job is to make a profit, and a growing profit at that.  A business that does the same amount of profit every year isn't doing anything productive, by corporate standards.  When supply goes down and demand goes up, prices go up, too.  When demand goes down, they have to pump less, so prices go down.  It's all about the free market; I hate paying at the pump, too, but it's life.

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