
Increase endurance?

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what are some things i can do to increase my endurance by fall 2008? like drills and stuff.




  1. Having a high level of endurance means that you can exercise both longer and harder. To improve your endurance, you need to do activities that increase respiratory and heart rate, this includes walking, jogging, swimming, running, biking,  rope jumping, climbing stairs, etc.

    Follow these steps:

    • Do a little light activity before and after your endurance exercise session, to warm up and cool down (example: easy walking).

    • Build up your endurance gradually, starting out with as little as 5 minutes of endurance activities, and work you way up gradually to a minimum of 30 minutes  on most or all days of the week. The increase in time takes you to the increase in distance or repetitions.

    • Stretch after your endurance activities, when your muscles are warm.


    • Maintain a steady, deep breathing throughout your activity

    • Drink plenty of water before, during and after your activity.  


  2. some exersices that work are sprinting 1/16th of a mile, then jogging 3/16ths with no break (one lap on most tracks). take a small break and repeat 9 more times. if you have any friends faster than you, it would be good to do this with them so you are forced to keep up, making the exercise harder

  3. u should jogg i jogg 2miles a day and my endurace is getting better for football season

  4. Weighted sprints, tie a tire around your waist with a comfortable rope and drag the tire about 6 feet behind, do sprints of 30 yards, 20 yards, 10 yards then rest. Repeat 2 more times.

    Superset at the gym, no rest between movemnets. Bench, lat pulldowns, tricep pressdowns, lateral raises, dumbell curls, rest 1 minute, then leg press, hamstring curl, calf press, leg extension, rest 1 minute, repeat twice.

    Start with an easy jog of 5 minutes then sprint 30 seconds to a minute, jog easy for 2 minutes, repeat the sprint, repeat easy jog recover, 5 sets of this then jog/run another 10-15 minutes.

    Just a few ideas and things I've used in my career in the past.
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