
Increase striking skills for MMA

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Anyone kow how to get better at striking, I have a heavy bag, but stand up seems to be the worse of my game, I'm okay on the ground.. but I want to get better at stand up.. Any Advice?




  1. double end bag

    get a smaller pro boxing model and do drills with it. I did not learn to punch with true power until I used a double end bag exclusively for a few weeks.

  2. Japanese Jiu-jitsu.

    Best wishes :)***

  3. It would be great if you could spend some time at a school that teaches conceptual martial arts. These schools are getting hard to find due to the instant gratification people need today.

    They have classes that give you body conditioning, basic & gross motor skills, and breathing before you even try to  kick or punch someone.  Most people join an MMA school with half of the understanding nessesary to control their own body much less someone else's. Many MMA schools are just to difficult for the average guy just off the street.

    Sorry for rambeling, here is my answer;

    This is a link to some interesting training. It may not be exactly what you want right now but check it out. Your answer to be better at striking will not be striking alone. It may be things that most won't even relate to throwing a punch.

    There are more great training sites opening all the time. Search em' out. Nothing is too outragous if it really works.

  4. take a boxing class

  5. Punch with weights in your hand

  6. Try doing some kickboxing or Muay Thai classes. You can train your feet and hands and work on your footwork and understanding distance and timing.

    A lot of people think that the stand up is so much easier then the ground fighting because some times it looks that way, but there is a lot to learn and a good protion of it just comes to you over time. I wouldn't waste my time with just a straight boxing class, not because there is anything wrong with boxing, but just because you are only going to leasrn to use your hands there and are automatically limiting yourself on weapons available. With kickboxing or Muay Thai, you will learn to use your hands, feet, elbows and knees and instantly expanded your arsenal.  

  7. Take a real martial art.

  8. Quick advice, make sure when your working your punching, that you have good form, and cover the side of your face or chin/jaw with the opposite hand.

    Look up form on proper boxing punches, or even JKD style punching (pretty much boxing punching, but the fist isn't always horizontal).  Chris Kent / TIm Tacket's JKD Textbook had good punching fundementals, as does Kent's updated JKD: A to Z volume 1.

    I'm a little biased to JKD style punching, as that's my background.  I recommend it over the traditional from the hip Karate style punching.

  9. go to it has good articles on almost all standup fighting styles. Probably worth looking at

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