
Increase your chances of having a boy?

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Are there any proven ways to increase your chances of having a baby boy? Body temp, sexual position, diet.....




  1. How can I conceive a girl?

    To improve your chances for conceiving a girl, you should BD a 4 to 2 days prior to ovulation, and abstain two days before and day of ovulation. This will allow the slower, longer-lived, female sperm to be ready for fertilization when ovulation does occur.  Conceiving a girl is more difficult since you are abstaining on your peak fertility day.


    How can I conceive a boy?

    Time BD to occur the day before and the day of ovulation. This will allow the faster male sperm to get to the egg first.

  2. Yeah u can try all the "methods" but if u want to have a baby of a specific s*x..u can ADOPT one.  That's your guarantee.  Otherwise, u get what u get...the miracle of life.

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