
Incredible hulk vs Ang Lee's Hulk?

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Why do people insist on making out Ang Lee's Hulk to be such a failure? Is it that when its a trend to say something sucks everyone jumps on the wagon?

Or is it that all the fan girls suspend all belief and say the new movie is so awesome (and the first one sucks) because of Ed Norton?

Personally, I like a movie with a good story line. For example in the 2003 movie they really set up the mood of the movie for the hulk's first transformation, the music waas errie,

and there were many wierd visuals they showed to try to illustrate his anger. Like when he kept on seeing the frog exploding, or when he kept on dreaming of seeing an explosion.

Is it that no one can appreciate a good story anymore?

The only let down I have for Ang Lee's Hulk is the ending.

But let's face it, its the hulk. And the whole concept of the hulk is far less believable than any other superhero...

So the cgi has to be realistic. And in my opinion the first movie also had better cgi




  1. Yep, it's a trend. Just like people said Metallica selling out or sucks after they heard a lot of people bashing on St. Anger album.

    I agree with you, the CGI on Ang Lee's Hulk is much better. I can clearly see the green color of Hulk with his purple pants. It looks more realistic except for the fact The Hulk looks too big on that movie. This new movie kinda has this dark green or sometimes looks so CGI-ish with the black dirt covered his body. I don't really like Hulk body on the new movie either. It's too muscular which make him looks fake and unrealistic.

    I think Eric Bana and Jennifer Connelly did a great job potraying Bruce Banner and Betty Rose. I mean, Bruce Banner we see in the comics usually look exactly like what we've seen on Ang Lee's version because he always terrified of his alter ego. He don't look tough to handle the situation like Ed Norton showed us in the new movie. I prefer Jennifer Connely as Betty Rose because at least she's not 'whispering' everytime she talks XD

    To be honest The Incredible Hulk is a better movie compared to The Hulk by Ang Lee. Both movie has great actor and actress but it's the storyline that helps the movie to be success. The storyline and the villain they got on The Incredible Hulk movie was better by having Abomination and later we'll have The Leader and Doc Sampsons which is great thing for a comic fan. People prefer to see monster vs monster and not people vs the entire army. Another reason the new one looks better maybe because of the directing. I don't think people like to see a movie that used multiple view of screen shot, it can get confusing sometime. Look what happen to Speed Racer, somehow people are not ready with that kinda 'revolution' yet.

    I love both movie but the fact that the new one is better is undeniable. But hey, it always like that in the film industry, the new one must step up than the previous one just like Dark Knight step up the hype of Joker character compared to the Tim Burton's Batman (1989).

  2. Because Ang's movie comes of as chock-a-blocky.

    eric bana and Jennifer Connolly turn in some of the most wooden and weak acting performances ever and the special effects just do not work as well as they have to

  3. Ang Lee's Hulk was almost unwatchable.  It completely deviated from the Marvel Hulk story and the plot made absolutely no sense.  And the CGI looked like CGI.

    The Incredible Hulk was a good adaptation of the Marvel story, and it also did a good job of incorporating elements of the old 70's television show, right down to the theme music.  Ed Norton did a great job channelling Bill Bixby (right down to the flannel shirts, haircut, posture, and stubble).  The Lou Ferrigno cameo was brilliant.  General Ross LOOKED like the original comic book version of General Ross.  The Hulk was CGI, but not so obviously cartoony.  The plot was tight.  The Robert Downey Jr./Tony Stark cameo was great continuity for setting up the eventual Avengers movie.  

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