
Incredible jaw pain?

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My bottom left wisdom tooth is trying to come in (I'm 21 years old) and its just causing absolute agone in the bottom left of my jaw. Its pulsing with my mouth closed, and I can only open my mouth wide enough to let a finger in right now. Are there any OTC medications or home remedies I can take/try to relieve this, and how long does it usually last? I know my mouth on the bottom is big enough to accomodate, I have the wisdom tooth on the right side, I just dont remember this much pain :(




  1. i would definitely get your wisdom tooth removed most dentists recommend you to get it removed anyway.

  2. you definatley need to go to a dentist and get it removed,but for the mean time try tylenol or advil...but if you can find orudis kt that works wonders for a bit longer. good luck.(you can take 4 tylenol or advil safley at one time)but only one or the other.

  3. I had the same thing happen a couple of weeks ago. It seems as if one of my wisdom teeth was coming in sideways as well as twisted at a 90 degree angle. It made my whole face hurt. I had to have them all cut out. You probably need to get yours out also. There is also the possibility that the tooth decayed while still under the gum.

    The surgery was super easy. I had no down time at all. My only problem was that I had already had jaw surgery and the dentist had to cut through some scar tissue, so it took a little longer to heal.

  4. i ahve the same problem im just to stubbern to do something about it.... bith my bottem wisdom teeth have now become infected and is breaking off .... i would go to the dentist and get them removed
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