
Incubating eggs - heating pad vs. lamp?

by Guest59400  |  earlier

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Can you use a heating pad rather than a light to incubate eggs? The lamp I usually use burned out but I have heating pads that I can adjust the heat on and I'm wondering if using these would be effective and offer the same heating effect...




  1. Most likely, no. Eggs have to be kept at a constant 99 degrees and I doubt a heating pad would go that high and stay there contantly for a month. Plus, the eggs need the heat to come from all sides, not just underneath, so if you do want to try it, make sure to put the heating pad in a box with the top on to hold in the heat.

    You can get a little giant incubator for 40 bucks. If you can't afford that, then truthfully you shouldn't incubate the eggs because it is going to cost so much more than that to care for them.

  2. Yes, you can use a heating pad on a low setting and be sure to rotate the eggs constantly as heating pads do have hot spots.  do not put the eggs directly on the pad but you can place the heating pad under a small aquarium, line the aquarium with a towel and keep the eggs on the towel as well as place a towel over the eggs.

  3. No..use neither.

    You have to use an incubator. heating pads can overheat the eggs to easily. Lamps cant last as long and dont give the amount of heat needed.

    Try calling a bird place and ask where you can get an incubator.

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