does anyone else have the lil chick bator?
did you get posttive results or even a hatch?
I have a chickbator and i tried two duck eggs in it about a yr ago
i got both to develop
but one died at about day 5, the other about day 15
so i decided to try my luck again w/ 10 British Range coturnix quail eggs.
i got the chickbator to stay at a constant temperature of about 99-102 *F
so i figure that is good
the weather here is slightly humid, so the humidity generated by the water in there should be sufficient
well i just received the eggs from ebay
and none were cracked
let them get to room temp
and i just put them in
so i have to wait 17 days...
oh, btw
i believe the reasons my two duck eggs were that:
1) over enthusiastic and over candled the eggs
2) opening it to turn the eggs let out too much heat and allowed them to cool too much, so now i worked out a method of turning that doesnt require me to open it
do u think i will get a hatch?
wish me luck!