
Incubating eggs?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone else have the lil chick bator?

did you get posttive results or even a hatch?

I have a chickbator and i tried two duck eggs in it about a yr ago

i got both to develop

but one died at about day 5, the other about day 15

so i decided to try my luck again w/ 10 British Range coturnix quail eggs.

i got the chickbator to stay at a constant temperature of about 99-102 *F

so i figure that is good


the weather here is slightly humid, so the humidity generated by the water in there should be sufficient

well i just received the eggs from ebay

and none were cracked

let them get to room temp

and i just put them in

so i have to wait 17 days...

oh, btw

i believe the reasons my two duck eggs were that:

1) over enthusiastic and over candled the eggs

2) opening it to turn the eggs let out too much heat and allowed them to cool too much, so now i worked out a method of turning that doesnt require me to open it

do u think i will get a hatch?

wish me luck!




  1. Since youve done this before you shouldnt have a problem. Whe n the babies that died were they fed properly. Add details. You need to realize that babies need to not when hatched be taken from the incubator. When being raised by mother they are always kept warm. That happened with me with my lovebird chicks. I was stupid and took them away from mother so I could raise them from the moment they hatched. Ive learned that I had to wait for 2 weeks to be raised by me, because by that time they are bigger and stronger also they have the bacteria from mom. Maybe thats why your babies die, because they lack the mothers bacteria.

    I will also encourage you that people have successfuly raised babies from hatching. Just keep them in the incubator and feed them right. After feeding the chicks make sure right away you put them in the incubator so it can help them digest. bad digestion also cause death. I hope you know how to feed themm aswell, Look at the crop to see if its full. Good luck

  2. My mom bought an incubator and failed twice at hatching eggs,So I borrowed it from her and have hatched out three clutches of eggs in it.I hand turn mine so I dont think that you opening it to turn the eggs had anything to do with them not hatching.I think the reason moms didnt hatch was either cause of yhem being too close to the window or too close to the air vent.I put the incubator in a spare bedroom away from any windows and closed the airvent in the room.Like I said all three tries have produced chicks for me.Just be sure not to let the temp get too high,a lower temp is better than a temp thats too high.Also keep the water checked,if need be you can add humidity by adding a small damp sponge.Good Luck!
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