
Incubator gone wrong!!! HELP!

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My incubator went up to 109 degrees F does that decrease the chance of my eggs hatching? Also, i was candling my eggs today and i saw lots and lots of pores, they were all close together and very highly defined, does anyone have any pictures so i can compare them and see what's wrong




  1. Don't worry cut up some dippy bread soldiers!

  2. Yes - it does.

    How long was it at that temperature?

    Is your incubator a still air (no circulation) or forced air (a built in electric fan that circulates air around) incubator? This also plays a role.

    Still air incubators should be kept at 100-101 deg. F. Forced air between 99-99.5 degF.

    The "acceptable" range is between 97 - 102; if the temperature falls below or rises above that range for a matter of hours, the mortality rate increases dramatically.

    Know, though, that over heating is far more critical than underheating. An incubator running at 105 Deg. F for 15 minutes will seriously affect the embryos, while running at 95 deg. F for 15 minutes will simply slow metabolic rate without any serious side effects.

    Point being - if it was at 109 for more than 15 mins; your chances of the eggs surviving are slim.

    As per your second question - all eggs are porous, this is what allows for the exchange of oxygen/carbon dioxide to the developing chick. Without it - the chick would suffocate.

    There's definitely the possibility of eggs being "too porous" - but without seeing a picture, it's hard to determine.

  3. what type of eggs?

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