
Indenting words to line-up.?

by Guest58283  |  earlier

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ok so this is the article part i need lined up..

Massage Therapy- for over 4,000 years, massage therapy has been used as a tool for healing. Hippocrates, the Father of modern medicine, used massage frequently. Today medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians and massage therapists advocate the use of massage therapy to ensure maximum health. Massage therapy is particularly valuable for the aches and pains associated with growing older. This age-specific massage is either called senior’s massage or geriatric massage.

see how MASSAGE THERAPY would be indented to like 1/2

i need the next 4 lines to line up with MASSAGE THERAPY..

space doesn't work and neither does indent. hheellpp




  1. So..... what exactly are you asking? If you're asking how to format this, you would probably get a better answer in a forum that deals with computer programs (like Microsoft Word) or a section that deals with literary indentation.

    If you're using Microsoft Word, there are settings you can put in for indentation... they're usually under the Format menu, I believe. Good luck!

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