
Independent insurance agent want to grow need super ideas for advertising i want to grow big?

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Hello i live in a small town in oklahoma i want to grow my independent agency i need ideas i have proggresive ,aig ,graham rodgers, incompass and foremost i need advertising ideas and eneything that could help i am very motivated and a great listener Thanks a lot




  1. I am a retired agent, and when I had my business, I always advertised in the newspaper. It got me a lot of business. I wrote a lot of non-standard, but the advertising also brought in standard and preferred business as well.

    I hope this helps you. Let me know if it does. I made up the ad, then a lot of other agents in my area started using versions of it. The ad is inexpensive, and it will pay for itself over and over.


    Canceled, rejected, accidents

    tickets, DUI, none inforce?

    We can help.

    XYZ Agency


    When you write the business, ask for referrals. Also, ask them about their homeowners or renters, life or health insurance, if you write it.

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Best wishes, God bless.

  2. I have met similiar situation before.It is not easygoing,however,I get through it well is the resource i find is useful for me.hope it works for you.

  3. Find groups that you can speak about insurance to.  Volunteer to speak at churches, country clubs, other groups.

    Write an article about insurance for a local newspaper.

    Get professional credentials - CPCU - and network at CPCU meetings.

  4. I recommend buying Internet-generated insurance leads from a reputable provider. An Internet lead is pre-qualified in the sense that the consumer has proactively performed a search with a search engine, looking for a solution to an insurance need. The consumer has then taken the time to fill out an online form, requesting a quote. The consumer knows he or she will be called, and actually wants to be called! A good lead provider “scrubs” the lead to make sure the data is valid before sending it to you. All of this is done in seconds after the consumer fills out the form, so the lead can delivered to you in “real time.” Real-time leads are more expensive than older leads, sometimes known as “vintage” lead or “aged” leads. These leads can still be viable because they may be only a couple days old. I suggest contacting You can check them out at  The nice thing about is that they enhance their homeowners insurance leads with real estate data from First American Financial, so you have a better handle on how serious and qualified the lead is. Good luck!

  5. The best advertising is word of mouth.  Go to local car dealers, make friends, go to local realtors & banks & mortgage brokers, do the same.  Leave your business cards.  Also, see if you can get together with a local mortgage company to give a homebuying seminar for first time home buyers.  That is a great way to find leads.  Join your local golf club & network with the local business owners.

    To me, fancy advertising is a waste of money (but see if one of your comopanies will sponser some ads, Progressive usually does).

    Also, when you get clients, give the BEST customer service you can, know your forms and coverages & advise honestly.  Help them through the claims process as much as possible, step in with the company when needed.  Happy customers will refer you to their friends.  Don't sell on price, because your customer will leave just as fast for price.  Sell on service & keep your promise.

    What good are new customers when current ones go out the back door?  If so, you are just spinning your wheels, working hard for nothing.  Remember it takes at least 3 yrs for a piece of P&C business to become profitable to the agent due to all of the up front work.  If they leave before then, you are losing money on them.

    MOST of our new business comes from referrals, not from newspaper or yellow page ads.

    Good luck to you.

    Don't forget not to grow too fast unless you have the support staff to service the accounts.  The most personal accounts any one of our account managers handle is 1000.  Since there is so much work involved, I would say 800 accounts is a good average for each full time person, less if they handle new business and claims.

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