
Independent studies? and does it "makes you antisocial?"?

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i would like to know more about independent studies..

i live in california and i am in 10th grade....

what does it take to start independent studies? what is it all about? and my mom says i shouldnt because it would make me 'antisocial.' that true??




  1. I've seen people sit in classes full of people and refuse to say a word for entire semesters. Being antisocial is a choice. You can choose to stay in your room all week and speak to no one, you can choose to go out and still speak to no one. Or you can go about your life and participate as you always have. Homeschooling doesn't mean you are going to give up your extra curricular activities or your old friends.

  2. No.  Nothing can "make" you antisocial.  If you haven't been antisocial up until this point, you won't be simply because you start independent studies. It may take more effort to interact with your friends, but you will also have more free time to pursue new friendships and activities.

    Here is some info on socialization:

    Good luck!

  3. Antisocial behavior comes from the genetic make up to a degree and the family, your training.  In short your parents make you antiscocial, because, for example, they don't like blacks or orientals or democrats or republicans so they teach you to hate these people.

    It's been established that brick schools cause anti-social behavior.  The fact YOU won't date a boy makes him angry because he think's he's owed something by you and the world and has a right to date who he wants and YOU have no say, so he gets a gun and shows you all.

    There is no indication that independent studies causes anti-social behavior, because that is what you do in College Masters and Doctorate programs.

  4. to an extent it does make antisocial, however if u keep in contact with people from your old school and others around your age you should be fine.  get a job with teens also.  you should try the university of miami online high school.  i dont know the website, but do a search for it.  you should find some 411 on all you need to know

  5. First let's start with the definition of anti-social.

    After you read this, and you have come to the conclusion that it does not apply to you, you can feel secure in choosing your courses in independent study.

    Focus on the word "independent", it means on your own, you are going to take charge, and will be responsible for completing, and choosing the direction of your education.

    This is not for everyone, you have to be a self confident, and motivated student.

    You can also look into taking the GED, and start classes at a community, or other college.

    There are alternatives available, it just depends on what you'd like.

  6. The only thing that will make you "anit-social" is if you quit school, lock yourself in the house and never leave the house, never call your friends and never go anywhere ever again.

    As for homeschooling you need to look up the laws for your state.   You also need your parents permission.  If your mom isn't willing to do that it won't work.  

    Homeschooling can be great but it does take a lot of commitment on the part of the kids and the parents.

  7. Why should it make you antisocial? Are you going to stop doing things with friends? Are you going to choose to stay home all the time and never get out? Being anti-social is a choice, not an automatic result of something.

    Best thing to do about independent studies is to talk to your school's guidance counsellor to find out about it. As a student taking independent studies, you would still be allowed, I believe, to participate in all the school's clubs, sports, etc.

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