
Independent women, what do you expect in these four situations?

by Guest33329  |  earlier

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Consider you are dating a guy and you have strong feelings for him.

1. Neither of you has a car

2. Both of you have cars

3. He has a car, you don't

4. You have a car, he doesn't




  1. I'm no feminist; however, I am independent in thought.

    1. We'll walk or take the bus; ride bicycles.

    2. We'll flip a coin

    3. It's up to him. After all; it's his car.

    4. It's up to me; most likely we'll take my car and or, we can get some exercise and walk.

  2. well it seems simple to me.

    1. If neither of us has a car we have to find transportation in the mean time and bust our asses working until we save up enough to get one, if the car is main priority.

    2. If we both have cars then who cares?

    3. Well, if he has a car and im an independent woman, i guess id have to work to buy my own but if i was so independent wouldn't i already have a car?

    4. Same as three except switch it around.

  3. 1) that we live close enough to walk?

    2) that we take turns driving

    3) that he drives

    4) that I drive

  4. I think the anser is obvious. You take whatever car is available for the practical purpose of transportation.

  5. 1. Save up for a car.

    2. Each have your own car.  Take turns driving. Use the car most functional for the purpose...EX: Car with good gas mileage for long trips, SUVs/Trucks for hauling things or when more space is needed.  

    3.Share the car

    4. Share the car

  6. Well if I was in the dating mood at this moment, and I was into this guy. He better have a car, because if he doesn't then that means he doesn't have a job that pays all that well. Therefore he will expect me to pay for everything. Yes, I am an Independent Woman but that doesn't mean that I would not want to be treated like a Woman either. All it means is that I can rely on myself if and when necessary and dont need and Man for support ( financially ) when the time comes to it. Otherwise, a man should be as always a gentleman and provide the transportation unless its broken down.

  7. I have been in each of those situations at some point in my life. Here is what happened.

    1. We walked or took the bus

    2. He did most of the driving

    3. He did all of the driving

    4. I did all of the driving

  8. 1. This is the situation I'm in now. (We're both 18; he has a car, but he has to get it repaired before he takes it out.) We either get our parents to drive us wherever, or we take the bus.

    2. It depends on where we're going. If it's closer to his place, I'd drive there, if it's closer to my place, he'd drive there.

    3. If we were going out together, we'd take his car. If I had to get somewhere alone, I'd find my way.

    4. Vice-versa of the above.

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