
Independents, Democrats, or Republicans...are you excited about this years election?

by  |  earlier

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Regardless of your party leaning, I am just so excited, amazed, and proud that our country is going to make history this year. We are definitely going to have either have the FIRST FEMALE Vice President, or the FIRST BLACK President!! What do you think about it, putting our differences aside?




  1. No, I'm not excited about it at all, it makes me sick

  2. Yes it is exciting!  I think more people are really interested in it this year than ever before.  I just pray that the right person gets elected!

  3. Yes, very excited. Apart from being excited I hope the American people choose wisely . It's not about male, female , old, young or skin color. Please ,let us make the right choice for

  4. Yes, I love the democratic candidates & their family & their friends. They are people of such a high level of integrity. They are intelligent people who have really worked to get where they are despite the lies that republicans have put out about them. I am happy that we have ways to do research & ways to check the lies. I remember when Obama was accused of not saying the pledge & I saw the original & knew he was not saying the pledge that was the star spangle banner playing &you are supposed to keep your heart uncovered for music to come in. So confirmed I remembered correctly. So it has been very exciting. I am seeing so many things about my spiritual beliefs confirmed. People prayed the weather would ruin Obama's convention & instead it ruined their convention. So much is happening & it is a good time to be involved.

  5. Who cares about race/gender, i just want someone who can lead, and NEITHER ONE of them are able

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