
India's first IIT exclusively for females?

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Another gender bias. This time it is propounded by none other than India's first female president.

Yahoo deleted this question earlier. Why are they so female chauvinist?




  1. Why do you think this is discriminatory? All over the world there are all-male schools and all-female schools, and there have even been studies that show students learn better when they are separated by gender. (1) And India is well-known for discriminating against women, with men burning their wives to death for not giving them enough dowry and people aborting their female fetuses because parents know only men can get good jobs and provide for the family in their society.

    There are so many examples of misandry in the world you could point out and make a valid point with - this is not one of them.

  2. Ok buddy, I ignored this the first time around, but researched it this time, and this is NOT a good idea. I ll tell you why.

    1. As I can tell, getting into IIT is d**n hard, since it is compared to Harvard and MIT put together. So if they want it to be a women only institution "because they dont get it to other general institutions", then how are they sure that women can succeed in getting into this IIT if they failed to get in elsewhere?

    2. Other articles state that the expenses incurred for running the other IIT's is pretty high. If it was a women-only institution, and the costs are the same, what they are effectively doing is taking your (tax-payer) money, and shoving it up the "whatever" of a sect of people, while denying the same opportunity to the men.

    Nothing can be more misandrist than these measures. I m sure there are people here who know more details to comment on this, but this is what I get from reading about IIT's online.

    Good luck to you and God be with you while your politicians s***w you over with there immature policies. Its no different from whats happening over here.

  3. India is notorious for its sexist policies towards men. no wonder they will use such gender biased policy against men. they should be ashamed of that.

    IITs are centers of excellence. They want to destroy their quality by these cheap gimmicks.

  4. I don’t think you took the time to read the article in its entirety. This is the same “beef” that many people have with the long time accreditation and establishment of Historically Black College.

    “Sources said Patil, concerned about the fewer girl students making it to the ITT’s, personally talked to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and HRD Minister Arjun Singh about he proposal, which would apparently led to the speedy progress in the matter.”

    This leads me to believe that it’s been proposed, but has not been made official. Do me and everyone else in here a favor, while you researching your bias stand points on female education abroad, why don’t you take the time to research the reported numbers of females allowed to attend the higher educational institutes in that country, or to receive a basic high school equivalent education over all? Everything happens for a reason. And the last time I visited Asia (which is probably something you’ve never done) I found that many of the women in those countries are not allowed to attend school. This is just a mild stepping stone in the battle against the age old belief that women do not need an education. There a hundreds and thousands of schools over sea’s (in that area of the world alone) that is dedicated to the education of young men only. The reason why this campaign was brought forward (and I don’t think it has been completely in acted) is to give girls the same chance at such things as

    “Traditional Indian wisdom in science, technology and community management?”

    Areas of interest that women in that specific region do receive an education in. And if they do its very rare for them too successfully complete the schooling needed to be certified in these fields of study. Remember, countries like these do not see women the same way that Western Civilization does (well, in some cases they do, based on what we see in here). These women don’t enjoy the same civil liberties as ourselves. There are efforts being made to change this, but they still have a long way’s to go before women in countries such as this one of even viewed as half as equal to that of a man.

    But you get an A+ in your ability to take a news article and completely miss-interoperate it, twisting it to say what you want it to say. You did a very good job of that. Reading more into it, giving it meaning that wasn’t there in the first place, Kudos’s to you.

  5. In India? The same country where female fetuses are routinely aborted? At least a women-only IIT balances things a little bit.

  6. All this discrimination should be stopped.

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