
India ends Delhi Commonwealth Games with mixed response from athletes

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India ends Delhi Commonwealth Games with mixed response from athletes

Despite of having ‘not a good start’ at the Delhi Commonwealth Games, India has eventually succeeded in ending them impressively. No doubt there had been much criticism over the arrangements made by the organizing committee, but Indian athletes have made
a successful attempt to wipe out the negative image of the Delhi Administration. By their performance, they have left their spectators in awe.
Among a lot of impressive performances from Indian and foreign athletes depicted during the event, here we would dwell upon the overall performances of the players during the event as well as we would analyze about what sort of impression the foreign athletes
and official had before coming over there and what were the final observations with which they left the Indian soil.
According to a spectator from Australia, most of the spectators coming to India knew that the event would be missing big names like Usain, Rudisha and Asafa, but many of them were hopeful that there might emerge new stars as the event would proceed, and
as it was expected, in many of the sports, there eventually surfaced some impressive performances. For instance, the Uganda’s Moses Kipsiro who won men 5000m was regarded as the athlete of the Games owing to his stellar depiction of nerve and stamina.
At the end of the event, not only the foreign spectators were observed with developing a paradigm shift in their opinions, the athletes too looked rather happy and satisfied. Talking to the media, Jonathan Edwards, the former gold medallist in triple jumps
at Manchester said that despite of the fact that he could not observe quality during whole sporting event at Delhi, he would go away thinking that Delhi was a very cool place to be at.
Edward further said that though his overall trip was fine, he was not at all satisfied with the quality of the games depicted during the event. He said that no one could deny the fact that the standards observed during the event were disappointing. He further
added that for him it was not enough that some of the races were quite competitive as athletics was not only measured by the numbers; it was equally measured by the medals.
He further lamented the fact that though it was not necessary to get stunning results all the time, but the quality of the games depicted at Delhi was rather poor. Supporting his argument he said that women’s long jump was won with mere 6.5 meters while
the triple jump winner could only make it to 14 meters. He said that he could not observe the depth of the quality during the whole event.
An English spectator, while giving his views about the event said that he was struggling to think of world class performances. Owing to very low competition, according to his observation, Steve Hooker the Olympic pole vault champion looked rather relaxed
and not at all much concerned about the competition he was in.
He further said that even a night before the competition began, there were fears about the stadium which was being repaired. The workmen kept working with 1500m start line until the last hours. However, it was good to see that by the next day everything
was in place. However, there had been other organizational mistakes which kept on plaguing the first week of the event. While remembering the event the spectator further said that though the welcoming attitude from the security officials and those of stadium
administration was rather pleasing, had the administration avoided the errors right in the start of the event, it could have left memorable moments with us.
While players and spectators depicted mixed responses, Pearson eventually came up with rather hard words. While talking to the media he said that despite of sincere efforts, he was never once told the truth regarding what was going on. He regarded the attitude
of the organizing committee rather unfair as it tried playing with the careers of the athletes.



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