
India going to Celebrate 60 Yrs of Independence, Still India is a developing country why?

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Still you can find Illiterate people in india, Poor people in india, Pollitics for Relligion, Caste, God, Region etc., Why all these Non-sense happening in India?




  1. Because there is a big gap between the rich and the poor intentionally. So even with the successful evolution of technology in India, the underclass will stay in poverty.

  2. Choices, poor education systems... So many freaking people as well.

    Look at the US. We have what? 1/4 the amount of people in the US than they do in India, and our education system struggles more and more everyday.

    It's not easy running a world power. Especially when media is focused. Too many ideas being swapped and not enough time and money to make everyone happy.

    Oh, and I would like to also state the fact that labor makes more money than education.... Cause even if there are the loans for college and what not.... Those loans will be  mostly paid back by unsuccessful students or parents with kids in college, and of course, tax payers paying into government loan systems.

    Labor jobs aim more towards the uneducated.... Obviously. Gotta keep em' dumb so the rich can stay wealthy.

  3. Overpopulation

  4. Ever wonder why everyone is celebrating ghostly stories with non-existence rights of Independence day?

    Ever wonder what independence was that from?

    Ever wonder do they all know what was the Liberation of Freedom for the good of mankind from world war two was all about?

    Exodus 20.1-6. Leviticus 26.13

    Surprising they all can do better than our creator of heaven and earth with self independence out there.

    Look at the mess with living examples in iraq getting themselves kick on the butts without our creator on planet earth.

    It's a real embarassment of living human kind in kicking the butts of our creator with idol worshiping the dead Mummy in not worshiping God.

  5. corruptiion of the mind

    corruption of action

    corruption of the politicians

    corruption of religion

    corruption of race

    corruption of the individual

    corruption of societal values

    corruption of so many things

    ego ego

  6. Because when the British left India, they left it destitute.  They removed the engineers, the money, the knowledge.  While they were there, it was in their interests to keep the people poor, illiterate and uneducated.  It has taken 60 years to bring a small portion of the country into the 20th Century.  Look at how far they have come in the past 10 years with Computers.  That coupled with a vast population that is continuing to grow probably means they will never get everyone education.

  7. India is a vast country. Its north , northwest and north eastern borders  consist of big mountains and the south a  triangular

    plateau with Arabian sea on the  west and Bay of Bengal in the east. It has many races, religions ,languages, and cultures.

    It was an ancient land with an ancient civilization. Before the advent of British Raj it was not under any one flag or umbrella!When British freed it, there were nearly 550 pricipalities!Hence,its economy suffered much during the World War II (1939 - 1945). In 1942 there was big famine in Bengal and thousands died, The British Raj could not help it.The war ended in 1945 and in 1946  communal carnage was widespread throughout the country. Under such a juncture the Britsih decided to depart dividing the country into India and Pakistan,

    Pakistan carved out of India became independent on the morning of 14th August, 1947 and India continued under the yoke of Britain till midnight!

      India celebrated independence when people slept and politicians made a tryst with destiny!!

    During the 60 years of independence , India had a chequered existence.However,it stuck to democracy.During 1975-77, Indra Gandhi clamped internal emergency and abridged the fundamental rights.The dark clouds of dictatorship cleared and the sun of democracy shone brightly once again.

    While the grand old party - the Indian national congress - ruled for long, the pricipled opposition in 1960s,the disgruntled congees in opposition in 1970s, adhoc combinations of 1980s and the divisive opposition of 1990s did not allow it to play its role effectively.The last congress ministry at the centre was headed by Narasimha Rao from 1991 to 1996.His misgovernance brought the rout of INC. and BJP's combination called NDA ruled from 1996 to 2004 .During that period there were three general elections!!BJP's failure caused them loss of the centre and many states.

    An amiable and highly acclaimed bureaucrat Manmohan Singh has been doing tight rope walking quite admirably.

    In the much keenly contested Presidential elections in 2007the INC and the lefties have recorded astounding success.

    On 15th August2007, we will be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of our Independence.On that  day every citizen would be obliged to do some introspection. As Kennedy remarked each has to pose the question to himself as to " what has he done to his country?"  

    Particularly, the opposition leadres and their followers have to do so.

    Rivalry and bitterness are the byproducts of the democratic elections .Once the results are announced and a new govt, is formed all have to join hands to welcome it as OUR Govt. not some party's

    As long as the opposition does not conscientiously develops that culture, our country could   not make big strides to be a world power  within the next 100 years,  And due to the obstinacy of some, the nation would remain condemned as "ever developing" but never developed" one.

  8. lack of patriotism among indian citizens

  9. Whats your question exactly? I see you got the answer as well. Developing and developed? Can you spot the difference?

  10. LITRACY-Our Leaders wants our Indians to be like this. Then only they will get their VOTES.

    RELIGION--God is created by group of men to guide the society of people in a good path defining what is good and Bad for the community. But selfishness only selfishness made certain individuals to start religion by favoring a group of people

    who became fanatics.

    Developed  Nations-Japan,(after WW II)

    and few counties came up as developed countries in a correct path. History proves that countries like UK, France, are developed with the resources of other nations by looting them. (with legalized ARMED ROBBERS-called  armies).

    But Indian never ever attempted to do this. That is why we are poor.We Were not robbers and never will be. When we Indians were doing exporting business to other countries,no King has supported like the kings of above nations. This is also a reason.

    AGAIN THE SAME SIUTUATION: Our politician have opened the gate again to the other nations to do the business in India for their own BRIBES. I hope the God knows where this is going to lead.

    Let us hope for the best

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