
India or Bharat- so much of confusion. Let's rename it . any suggestion ?

by  |  earlier

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it should be the original and not imported even it is 5000 years old.




  1. let us remove some chaotic elements like you and let the name be same as BHARAT, INDIA OR HINDUSTAN

  2. Well my friend, I am not native to India. But I will always think of it so!

    Sorry, I don't mean to offend but what the heck is Bharat?

    If that is some new name for India I will be very disappointed.

    I am American and I live in the west as you call it. But I have always thought of, revered and respected India as India.

    You may not know this but Mahatma Gandhi is a great hero in my country as I know he is in yours.

    I hope you find ways to keep all that honors your history in your country.

    Disfrutar de la vida y prosperar!

  3. Go and change your name.I am happy the way it is.

  4. Your question , I feel, is ridiculous  as you intend to change the name of a country which has 100crore people satisfied and proud of their country's name and heritage. A country which has a a glorious past and culture does not need a change of name. you may not like this, but you are hurting the sentiments of a majority of this huge country. Please do not even attempt these things. I strongly feel that an apology for this type of faux pas is in order from your side.

  5. I like to keep it as  Bharat...Old is Gold....

  6. Don't  change  the  country"s name. change  the political  systems or  politicians

    East  or  west  INDIA (name)  is  best

  7. Are you OK? Are you normal? Are you an Indian? Any Indian would not think in this line. Why do you want to change the name of a great nation? English name of India is Bharat and Bharat is the old and original Hindi name. Our nation is also called as Hindustan by some. I don't think even a thought of changing any of these names are good. I agree with one answer in this post who has given example of various nations having more than one name.

  8. INDIA is the best name for our country.If we try to change over and over again it creates confusion for Indian as well as for the tourist who visits our country.

  9. are u an Indian or a foreigener. if u an Indian, u should not be writing on these lines.

  10. Bharat is good why is the ancient name like the Brits use Britain...

    It really suits India...and continue with India too..

    Many countries use more than one name.

    UK, Britain, England

    USA, America,

    Gaul, France

    Germany, Deuchtland, Allemangne...or whatever..hard one that

    Japan, Nippon

    Magyar, Hungary

    Suisse, Switzerland...etc

    Bharat,'s cool

    or then Bharatvarsha.....nooo may be not

  11. GO lay an egg

  12. u forgett one name


    but i think INDIA is d best

  13. It should be Bharat if you want to stay true to history... after Bharata.

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