
Indian People Smell Bad?

by  |  earlier

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in class I sit next to indian girls (not trying to be rasist) but.. honestly THEY STINK hard. I always have to hold my breathe. and I have a friend that's indiana she stinkssssss not being mean or something to offend them but I am chinese I eat like fried curry I am sure I don't stink.




  1. Ya indians do stink i have indian subsitutes and they smell like c**p its a indian thing i know a indian guy and he said something about some indian thing

  2. Wow, be careful with what you write here, people may think you are racist. But I know, because I think the same, at least several of them do stink. I dont know why, also Ive talked with many chinese people and their breath stinks so bad!!! ewww, specially the old ones.

  3. Heard its some traditional lotion they are using that have the smell.

    I have some modern indian friends but they dont smell at all

  4. I actually know a lot of people from India. I think it is because deodorant is not  a common commodity like toilet paper. However, I have noticed that the ones who come and attend school usually start wearing cologne and deodorant. Maybe you can ask a teacher to talk to this other student and explain in a nice manor about the differences of culture etc. This person may not know they are offending other people.

  5. I guess it may be something about their diets, some Chinese from the north eat raw garlics and they smell awful too.

  6. since you r stuck sitting next to her,tell her in a polite way,or give her a deo gift,,,maybe she doesn't even realize she stinks...

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