
Indian Railways to provide Arunima Sinha with due compensation – Volleyball news

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Indian Railways to provide Arunima Sinha with due compensation – Volleyball news
Arunima Sinha, a national level volleyball player of India had to part with one of her legs when she recently suffered a fall from a train.
As compensation, all that the Sports Ministry could offer her was a sum of Rs. 25,000. An angered Arunima did not accept this meagre offer by the Ministry and made vocal her demands of providing her with a government job that would sustain her financially
for her life.
Recently, the railways have taken action on the matter to provide due compensation to the national player of their country. Vivek Sahai, who is the chairman of the Railway Board, has stated that it will be ensured that Arunima gets the amount of compensation
she deserves. Not only that, Sahai has also said that the railways will endeavour to find a way in which Arunima could be rehabilitated. In this regard, his department is currently searching for an NGO that would be able to provide the injured player with
an artificial limb that would make her life easier.
Arunima is a 23-year-old volleyball player who fell off the train as she was allegedly pushed by robbers trying to rob her off her chain. When she resisted, they pushed her off and she fell on the other track, from where Arunima was hit by another train.
The tragic incident caused the young player the loss of a leg, which had to be cut off below the knee. The other leg also underwent a number of fractures. Therefore, the player is currently bed ridden.
Arunima was making the trip to Delhi on the Padmavati Express from Lucknow for the purpose of sitting in an examination that would give her a chance to secure her a CISF job and provide her with financial stability for the future. When Arunima was pushed
off the train, it was in Bareilly.
Due to the outrage that has been expressed by the press and the victim herself, the responsible government bodies have now responded positively. The demand that Arunima also be provided with a government job is also being looked into. Let us hope that the
matter does not rest here and the deserved is helped.



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