
Indiana-Disablitiy for the blind ???

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My friend has recently became legally blind and was told that Indiana does not consider being blind a disablitliy??? Is this true; what organizations can she contact to get help? What are somes jobs that blind people can have?




  1. Blindness is a protected disability anywhere in the US, under -federal- laws.  However, even being blind, she may not be determined disabled for social security purposes- the nature of your disability must PREVENT being able to work any form of job, which blindness does not.

    She should contact her state's rehab department for independent living and employment related matters.

    There are very, very few jobs that blind people cannot equally compete in, with accommodation. We can become lawyers and chefs and actuaries and stay-at-home mothers. Her career options are really very wide open- they depend on what SHE wishes to do.

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