Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay wants Peyton Manning back, ask QB to make a call first – NFL News
Indianapolis Colts’ owner, Jim Irsay, has, for the first time, spoken positive about the future of their quarterback, Peyton Manning, at Colts, and asked him to make a call in his ambitions of staying with the team and he is willing to find a way under a
restructured deal to make sure it happens.
Manning has recently hinted at his willingness to accept a renewed deal from Colts if it is without any upfront payment guarantee or other such commitment, and Irsay now invited him to a move first towards the direction if he is willing to comeback to finish
his career at the Indianapolis.
He said:
"We can work out the contract if he wants to come back. We want him to make the call. He's earned that. We want him to have the chance of finishing his career here if that's what he wants to do."
The owner said that he wanted to have the player back to their side and he would be meeting him within next week to know his choice on the matter. It is up to the player now to make a call now, he added.
"We want this to be his decision," Jim Irsay. "We want him back if he wants to come back. We can work out the contract if he wants to work it out. It's going to be Peyton's call."
This is one of the rare and clearer statements from Peyton’s employer and the QB is very much likely to comeback provided he accepts a restructured contract. It is yet to be known what will be new financial terms awaiting the player.
Peyton is due a payment of $28 million optional bonus by March 08, 2012, which will activate his contract for further four years. If he is denied the payment by the deadline he will become an unrestricted free agency, and potentially signed by another team
around the National Football League (NFL).
Apparently, he is willing to continue to play for the Indianapolis Colts and have expressed his willingness to renegotiation of his deal.
The QB had a neck surgery in September 2011 and missed the entire past season. This is for the first time in his career at Colts, which started in 1998, that he was not at the starting position. He is still waiting to gain his past fitness and form.
It is his health that Irsay said will be the main factor in the final decision about his future and if he is able to and want to play a high level football, they will accept him back and look for sorting out things in that direction.
"It's a two-pronged thing," Irsay said. "The first is if and when the nerve regenerates and whether it allows him to play at a high level.”
Irsay said that he hoped the player will understand the long-term aspect of his health and will make his choice of playing in the same perspective.