
Indianapolis Colts rookie QB Andrew Luck continues to impress at training camp – NFL News

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Indianapolis Colts rookie QB Andrew Luck continues to impress at training camp – NFL News
Indianapolis Colts’ quarterback Andrew Luck has continued to impress his teammates, coaches and onlookers with his impressive skills and maturity of overall approach to the game, which has prompted some of his colleagues to see the player growing far ahead
of his years.
Although the rookie has been facing the challenges of the pro league conditions, he has so far met them successfully. His colleague safety Tom Zbikowski said of him:
"He's not a rookie quarterback, really. He's smart. He's wise beyond his years."
Luck has particularly impressed the team’s fans, who were disappointed by the void created by the departure of their former star Peyton Manning. A larger number of them were and to some extent still are not hopeful of the team’s chances of rebound this season.
The Colts struggled through the entire 2011 National Football League (NFL) season and could only manage a pair of wins at the end. That was their first year without Peyton in the squad and that was the most miserable performance ever given by the team.
Jim Irsay – the owner – did not waste much time in thinking of alternatives to rash cleansing of the entire outfit. From head coach, general manager, vice president and players at key positions were made to leave the headquarters within a short span.
It added to the fans worries about future of the team. The owner was the direct target of their criticism, but arrival of Luck later in the city mended that sense of remorse to an extent.
Luck can further help win loyalties of the disappointed fans by performing as per the expectations, irrespective of the fact that he is in his rookie year and failing of any player at this level should not be a surprise for anyone in the league.
Nevertheless, the QB has shown promise at training camp, and there is a unanimous view among the commentators that Luck is most likely to attain success during the appearance on the field in his first year.
The Colts can again find winning ways, if Luck’s performance comes up to their expectations.



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