
Indo board?

by Guest58906  |  earlier

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I'm a skimboarder and I thought an indo board might be a good investment, but I don't know which one to get. I've been skimboarding for awhile and I'm not a beginner, but I've never used an indo board. Should I get the original indo board or should I get the indo mini pro (which is suggested for skimboarders) ?




  1. Indo boards are great for learning to balance for surfing, skimboard, etc. That's how I learned to surf pretty much. I suggest trying out the one recommended for skimboards...even though I haven't tried it--it just seems like the logical choice. If it's a lot more expensive than the regular indo board, then just go with the regular one....I don't think it'd make much of a difference. But you don't really need an indo board. They're great for improving balance and very entertaining, but I'm not sure if it's going to be "a good investment" unless you're having trouble keep your balance and control of the board.

  2. Didn't you just answer your own question.  Go with the one suggested for skimboarders.  There is obviously a reason they make that recommendation.

  3. ya, it wil defintetly help!
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