
Indoor Workout help?

by  |  earlier

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Recently I have been just jumping and trying to reach the top of he door frame, and stealing my older brothers lightest/change-able weights (about 9.5 lbs).

I stretch quite a bit, and even though i hate them i manage to do about 20 push-ups almost everyday. So, I wanted to know if there are any exercises I can do while trapped an apartment??

By the way this is for volleyball.

Thanks to anyone who answered my previous question and is now answering this one. (:




  1. do slow sit ups and use ur abs not ur shoulders. get a box or something that's about 2 feet tall and try doing ur jump on that and staying up on top of the box for a couple seconds then step down. keep doin that and once u feel like u can jump good on that find a taller box and work on that one. if you have a tredmill you could run on that b/c if ur in highschool and doing tryouts they are gonna be really hard. hope this helped :)

  2. Some of these can be done inside. Just dont hurt your self
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