
Indoor potted plants?

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I recently transplanted my houseplants and although I used Miracle-Gro soil, the soil seems to be really compacted and doesn't drain well. The pots must be retaining a lot of water because they are very heavy even hours after watering. Is there anything I can add to the soil to aid in drainage?




  1. allow the plants to dry out as for as long as you can.  Take the plant and soil out.  Drill drainage holes with a dremel or small drill if you can.  If you can't put rocks at the bottom them repot the plant with out packing the dirt down so hard.

  2. Remove the plants from the pots.

    Check all pots for adequate drainage holes.

    Remove all excess soil from plant roots. You don't need to throw away the soil you have. Mix in good quantities of perlite, which opens air circulation for a looser, faster draining,  and faster-drying  root run.

    Repot your plants in this mixture, which will dry out a lot faster than other mixtures.
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