
Indoor tv antenas? With the all digital conversion, why aren't quality indoor tv antenas made or advertised?

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It used to be all tv signals were picked uip via an antena. Now, it's hard to find any good quality ones. Many for up to $75 are poor for picking up local stations. I read where with the digital converters we'll need, tv signals thru an antena will be and IS outstanding, no ghosts, no double images. However, there are very few if NO good quality indoor or outdoor tv antenas being made nor are they advertized. I can probably make one myself that pulls in a better signal than the garbage that is sold in major retail markets. Where can I find plans to make my own indoor antena? Or, what stores sell excellent quality indoor or outdoor tv antenas? With the required switch to the all-digital signals next year, people without cable are not going to be watching much tv if noone makes a good antena. (Note, I've spent up to $50 in name-brand antenas and they are no good. I get better reception with a coat hanger!)




  1. You have to apply for a coupon, they don't just mail them.  You can apply at

    I've gotten excellent results with an old school VHF/UHF antenna. If antenna web says all of the digital stations in your are are UHF (and none of them are going back to VHF after February), I would suggest a Bow Tie antenna like these ( and ). If you have VHF digital stations in your area, try a standard VHF/UHF outdoor antenna and I think you will be fine.

    I hope this helps.  Please return and select a Best Answer from all of those submitted.

  2. You have to apply, and the antenna may not be needed after the digital conversion, go to your local electronics retailer and ask for more details, or find the governments website for info on the all-digital conversion.

  3. First - type your address into and it will show you where the broadcast towers are relative to your home.  Placing the antenna so it has an un-obstructed view to the towers makes a big difference.

    Antennaweb will also advise you if you can get away with an indoor, omni-directional outdoor or directional outdoor antenna.  It will also tell you how high you need to position it.

    For an indoor antenna - the Phillips Silver Sensor Classic is very good. It runs $21 on line or $30 in stores.  I have one under my desk that I loan to people when they announce they just bought a new HDTV.  Out of six people, five ran out to buy one after trying my loaner.

    For outdoor antenna, the Winegard line is well respected and the Channel Master line is a close second.  These start at about $35.

    Good ol Radio Shack has had antennas in their catalog for many many years.

    Avoid Terk, Hawking Recoton, RCA brands.

    Use Amazon or Shopzilla to search for people who sell these.

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