
Inducing lactation?

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Wow what's up with all the negative comments?! Don't people think it's hard enough to have to give up bonding with your own baby for 9 months to another woman? I'm not trying tricking anyone!!




  1. You can bond with your child just as easily when you bottle feed.  Look into his/her eyes, stroke his back and head, talk softly to him/her.

    As an adoptee, the thought of my adoptive mother forcing lactation and making me breastfeed would have been pretty gross.  Breast milk is created by a pregnant woman for her baby as a means of nourishment...created by a very intimate bond when the baby is growing inside her body.  That milk is specifically tailored to meet that baby's specific dietary needs.

    Don't try to force won't be creating the same nutrition your baby needs, it will be a less-than-ideal substitute, and any bonding you hope to achieve can be done without the uncomfortable forcing of this unnatural substitute.

  2. So - it's all about you then??


    Hope you have saved up for all the therapy this child will need.

    Being adopted is bad.

    Being produced just to be handed over - that's a whole heap of head mess.

    ETA: the child still grows inside of one woman for 9 months - then gets handed over to a complete stranger from then on.

    It's messing with science.

    I know adults that were surrogate babies.

    They still have to deal with a bloody big psychological stress - just so they can be someone's magic & long awaited for baby.

    No one thinks how the child will actually feel down the track.

  3. Try the medela system.

    Avoid this website for info.You will just get hurt. Go to websites like, or and get advise from adoptive parents that are in similar situation.

    To those that give me a thumbs down- here's what i say to you " like i care !!"

  4. get an electric pump and start pumping.  also make an appointment with a lactation consultant.  Most likely you can produce some milk within a few months time.  You do not need hormone shots to do so.

  5. Go to your doctor to get a hormone shot that will help you produce milk.

    Also, I have 2 sons, 1 bio-1 adopted.  I wasn't able to breastfeed either one, and both of them are very bonded to me.  The one I adopted actually won't hardly take a bottle from anyone but me.  Also, if you bottle feed, the baby can bond with his/her father also.  Both my sons are extremely healthy.  Congratulations on your little one coming.

  6. Possum, the child is biologically hers.  Don't most people say to try to keep the child with their biological parent.  So that is what she is doing she wants her biological child and the right to breastfeed.  So what is the issue?

    As for lactation, see you doctor, there are also "natural" ways to help you lactate.

  7. *sigh*  

    [genetically part of one woman, gestated in another woman, nursed by a woman who (biological or not), artificially made milk.]  i'd start saving for this kid's therapy NOW!

    will the biological experimenting ever end???

  8. I asked a question about this a day or so ago and it had plenty of responses and reasons why it not the healthiest thing for a baby to be subjected to unnecessary hormones as well as treat them as a "guinea pig". I guess those that desire to do it ,found it offensive and didn't want others to see the responses because they falsely reported my question as "not a question nor answer" to just to get it off this site so others couldn't see the truth.

    I would suggest that the woman that gives birth breastfeed her child because anything that comes out of your ducts isn't beneficial, that has been proven. I think trying to trick a child into bonding is criminal and borderline insane. The bond you're suggesting that will be created is only a delusion in the mind of a demented Ap.

    Look at how added hormones in animals used for human consumption are affecting children today, you would think Ap's that want to subject babies to this would have more common sense. Its child abuse and utterly sick and selfish.

    I also think its disgusting to use another woman because you can't concieve is selfish and detrimental to the child.

    Although its your egg, this child is forming a bond with this women inside her womb. You can't alter nature no matter how many tricks you come up with to try and deceive a child.

  9. i think thats a lovely idear

    i would go to ur doctor and  ask about it

    u can get injections and medication

    and lots of treatments

    good luck with ur baby
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