
Induction at 37w6d, Advice, tips, your experiences?

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I'm currently 37w4d and my due date is September 11. My doctor has scheduled me to come in on Sept 2. for a vaginal examination to see if my cervix has softened or ripened, and if so he has scheduled my induction for the following morning at 6:30 am. The reason for inducing is that my cervix can only handle roughly a 7.5 lbs baby, and at 35w6d she was measuring 6.4 lbs per the ultrasound. My fundal height is measuring at 38 weeks. What are your experiences with induction, what should I expect, and what can I do to make sure my cervix is ripe and maybe even go into labor naturally?




  1. I was induced with my first when I was 39 weeks. I went at 11:00 sunday night at 8:30 a.m. my water broke and I had her at 2:42 p.m. Monday. I was in actual labor for 6 1/2 hrs. The worst thing was my back pain, being induced causes you to have back labor. Just be ready for that. Everyone I have talked to that was been induced had back pain. Its not easy but you can do it. I got a spinal around 3 a.m. and it was much better. Good luck. I am due with a boy September 15th but my doctor is talking about inducing me again.  

  2. i will be 38weeks and 4days when i get induced and for almost the same reason they think the baby is over 7pounds and don't think i can deliver bigger than 8pounds. sorry i dont have an answer but i would like to see what people have to say because im really nervous...

    i will be induced on September 9th

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