
Induction on Friday...please share your induction stories!?

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Hi all, I am 38 weeks and 3 days today...I am being induced on Friday due to several issues (including blood pressure) I was checked today and I am a fingertip dilated and 70% effaced right now. They used the cervix ripening gel in hopes of moving things along in the mean time. Please share your stories. I am really nervous of possibly needing a c-section...Any advice on what I can do to avoid it as much as possible?





  1. I was induced using the gel and it worked really fast.  I was 3cm dilated at 10am when the nurse inserted the gel and I had my daughter by 3pm that afternoon.  It all happened very quickly with no complications.

  2. I had high blood pressure as well, and was induced.

    It was a very positive experience for me. I had an epidural, [I don't think I could have gone without one] and I was laughing and talking with my husband until about the last 45 minutes. It got intense after that, but never unbearable. I dilated to 5 with the an application of Cervidil for 12 hours. The induction was slow going for me, I didn't dilate anymore until that last 45 minutes [maybe thats why it was intense lol he decided he wanted to be born right THEN!] and went from 5- 10 in 30 minutes.

    The thing they told me to avoid a c-section is not to push until they tell you to. There were times [especially toward the end] where I felt a lot of pressure and felt like I needed to push, but I wasn't dilated enough. They made me hold off [and believe me it was tough!] because if you push before you're at 10cm, your cervix will swell and won't dilate. Using breathing I was able to hold off that feeling until it was time. Then 3 pushes and I had a beautiful baby boy.

    Just know that if you DO need a c-section its for the health of you and your baby... I felt blessed to avoid one [I had a blood pressure of 220/116 the day i was induced with tons of protien in my urine, swelling and blurred vision], I had a doctor that believed that I could still go through an induction and deliver vaginally.  you'll be in my thoughts and prayers as well

  3. i was induced as i was 10 days late by the gel, i had a reaction to it my contractions were coming on very fast n very strong, but was dlating so they left me i had the gel at 8am an gave birth at 2 pm the next day with no drugs.

    i was close to a c-section but they try everything before hand.

    good luck

  4. Well, in your case, I can understand why you'd be induced. I was induced w/ my 2nd child and it was horrible! I've always said that I'd never do it again! (I had a choice in the matter, I was induced b/c I was VERY uncomfortable.) Instead of my labor & delivery time being cut in 1/2 had I gone natural (naturally I should've been in labor for only 8 hrs), it prolonged it and 18 1/2 hrs later, I FINALLY gave birth! They gave me an antibiotic b/c I had an infection in my 6th month of pregnancy which I had an allergic reaction to, so they had to give me Benadryl in my IV. I was knocked out for 3 hrs! LOL My husband was thankful b/c that meant he could go eat. (I wouldn't let him b/c I wasn't allowed to, so he had to suffer w/ me. LOL) Then my epidural didn't work on my right side, so I could feel everything on that side. It was 1 nightmare after another!

    I know other people who have been induced and they were very happy w/ the results and swear by it, so don't let my story discourage you. The only common factor in all our stories of induction is that it takes forever to get to the point where you're going to push! Other than that, there's really not much else to expect. Experiencing both, I can tell you that the contractions during an induction are not as intense as natural birth, so in that sense, you're lucky! Just be sure to bring LOTS of books, puzzles, stuff to do b/c it'll be a while! Good luck!  

  5. How cool, I may also be induced Friday.  I'm 5cm and GBS+.  

    Anyway, I was induced with my first baby.  They broke my water and started me on pitocin right away.  I started contraction immediately and after 45 minutes I was progressed enough for pain relief (half spinal block, half epidural).  I had my baby about 7 hours later.  I was not in pain and I felt great.  It wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be.

    You'll do just fine as long as you make sure to rest the night before.  Even take a unisom if you have to.  That energy really makes a difference.  Try not to stress out.  Finally, avoid heavy food and avoid colorful food.  It can end up slightly embarrassing!

  6. YAY.... the lil princess will soon be here!  well the good news is that you are 70% right now on your own. That means that things are getting ready to happen. THis also means that your body may just need a gentle nudge to go into full blown labor. with my singletons i would never go past 3cm dilated without having my water broken.... and then after they ruptured, all the dr had to do wassit down and catch. THe twins i wont tell you about because that was a mess and I was walking aroun 4-1/2cm dilated forweeks, remember. will be encouraged to walk around a lot, you'll get pitocin, possibly more gel on your cervix, and later, when things get going, you'll have your bag ruptured, THAT is the point of no return.Unless your baby is in distress, or you have had your bag ruptured for so long that infection is  of concern, you should be able to deliver naturally. Also remember that epidurals aresupposed to slow  labor down. FOr me it did not... but again, i was atypical because it was a multiple pregnancy and i was already halfway dilated and more than 3/4 effaced. the point being, that if you DO slowdown, don't be discouraged. Try to rest when you can and CONGRATULATIONS on the lil princess's upcoming birthday!!

  7. I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you,  I may be induced Friday as well, depending on my blood pressure.  My due date was originally August 31st.  I just wanted to wish you the best of luck!  And congratulations on your baby!

  8. I was just induced for the 1st time 2 weeks ago! I also had a few problems/complications towards the end of my pregnancy, so they induced me at 36wks + 6days. I had the gel which didn't really get too much started, so they gave me oxytocin through a drip in my arm and broke my waters. My labour lasted 7hrs, which is pretty ok for an induction. I ended up giving birth to my baby boy without drugs (although I screamed my head off for them towards the end), and without any further intervention than the drip and being monitored throughout the delivery. My midwife told me that the more interventions done during a delivery, the more intervention may be needed (eg. cesarean) but luckily it didn't end that way for me (although whilst I was screaming for the drugs towards the end, I was also thinking a cesarean would bring fast pain relief too! although that is the last thing I wanted in all reality).

    I think you be absolutely fine, I doubt it will result in a c-section, but I recommend thinking about pain relief in your birth plan if you haven't already... Having had a spontaneous vaginal birth and now an induced vaginal birth, the induction was more painful - but it can be can be done drug free if you have a midwife and partner pushing you for the drug-free delivery that you swore you wanted ; )

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