
Industrial ear piercing hurt bad??

by  |  earlier

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ok so i really want this dun for my 17th birthday!

but i'm scared that its going to hurt really bad!!

i have my ears and cartilage pierced

but...i have very low pain tolerance

so i was just wondering if i should get it dun & how bad does it hurt??!




  1. it does hurt, you can't get past that. but it only hurts for a couple seconds.

    after that it's completely fine. the bar hurts when it's in but really, don't let it stop you.

  2. I had an industrial when I was 13. Yes, it hurts. I passed out as they put the jewelry in, even. If you're scared of the pain, don't do it. Mine personally never healed and I was forced to take it out after three years. I would suggest getting something else. Good luck..

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