
Industrialization Problem/Game?

by  |  earlier

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My college friend and I have a game: you take any problem that plagues you in today's modern life, from a zit on your butt to the state of women to the price of corn to why your boyfriend cheated on you, literally any problem, and try to trace it to Industrialization (bonus if you can get it to the advent of farming).

Example: my wrists hurt

I'm typing on a computer

the computer was thought of by extremely smart scientists

these scientists were able to design the computer because of mathematics

people had the leisure to think of math because they were free from having to hunt/gather because of specialization, that comes with the advent of agriculture (uber nerds, ignore theories that people work harder w/ agr than with hunt/gather)

OK, that was agriculture, not industrialization, but you get the point

It's a really dorky 6 degrees of separation, but try it!

I haven't decided if I'll leave it for votes or if I'll pick winner

I really hope I get a response

Thanks for playing!




  1. well, you cant trace it to prehistorical, or it be stupid


    i got a fifth degree burn.

    i got it from a campfire

    cavemen way back then discovered fire.


    But fun game!

  2. Advent of farming = Cain and Abel's contest for the Triune God

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