
IndyMac is selling at 7 cents a share?

by Guest57058  |  earlier

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Is this company absolutely done, or if I throw a little money into it, is there a chance for some sort of recovery?




  1. I think 7 cents is overvalued.

  2. If you are a risk taker, and are insisting on playing a position with IndyMac - look at what the insiders are doing.  If they are buying you buy.  No one is going to risk money for thier child's education, New car, House, etc. if they know the stock is going down.

    Insider trading is not illegal.  I know you may think so but it is done everyday.

    What is illegal is sharing inside information with third parties (not employed by the same company) for financial gain.

    I personally think IndyMac will be sold off in pieces.

  3. the compan will 100% recover and come out under a new name.  Current shareholder however will get little to nothing.

  4. Unless you are a top insider, don't ever invest in anything under a dollar. Under $5 really.

    Oh, and if you were an insider, that'd be illegal, so....

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