
Inexpensive Incubators!!!!!?

by Guest33540  |  earlier

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this summer i am going to hatch button quails and i need an inexpencive incubator. I thought about making a homemade incubator but i want whats best for the button quails. My mom said my money limate is $25.00 including the eggs which is not alot. I am 11 years old and i want to enhantce my love for animals. i know i will have to be there for them 24/7. So pleses give me some websites. also if u have the time can u find me some websites to help me take care of them. This will also help me learn the the responcibilates for when i have real chidrean. THANKS A BUNCH.





  2. Well how many eggs are you incubating?

    A Mini Dome or Chick Bator incubator is only about $18.00.

    They dont get much cheaper.

    They incubate I believe 8 quail ( I think ).

    I know you said no Ebay.

    But this is one for a really great price, and its a really good incubator.

    Hey, I found my incubator that I hatched my beloved ducklings on Ebay.


    Quail & killdeer are precocial--eating on their own soon after hatching, as chickens do.  Refer to Baby Bird Descriptions.  They do not gape.  Do not force feed.  Do not provide a dish of water.  You may dip your finger in water and touch it to the very tip of the chick’s beak.

    Use only cloth towels--not paper towels, as they may peck at and eat the paper.  Quail & killdeer chicks can run and jump as soon as they dry from hatching; therefore, they can jump from your hand and injure themselves--be careful to place them into a container deep enough to prevent their escape.  Provide heat and maintain a temperature of 90°.

    ¨        hard-boiled egg, finely crushed

    ¨        bird seed, finely crushed

    ¨        corn flakes, finely crushed

    ¨        broccoli flowerets

    ¨        mealworms, very small

    ¨        small wedge of watermelon* (about 1/2” thick)

    Offer one or more of the above, sprinkled in front of the chick.  *Try sprinkling food on the watermelon slice.  Tap the food with your finger in a “pecking” motion which may encourage the baby to peck.

    here are some homemade incubator sights............

  4. Go to ebay you can buy a cheap incubator for 17.99. They also include fertile eggs if you want

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