
Inexpensive playground turf?

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I am gathering quite a large collection of backyard playground equipment and I am looking to designate an area for them that hopefully grass won't grow and we won't have to mow. Any suggestions on inexpensive playground turf that can be laid that will be OK for my 18-month old to play on without requiring shoes and limit injuries?




  1. I know when my girlfriend opened her daycare she was told by the state she either needed to put down wood chips or sand.  She put down the sand.  You can get it by the truck load which is much cheaper then trying to get it by the bag!  Kids love to play in it, most don't mind walking on it, and when they fall, it doesn't hurt much!!

  2. Emily has the idea, Wood chips decay after a few years and you have to replace them. Sand, on the other hand, will simply be tracked (or tossed) out onto the lawn where it will become a part of the lawn.

    Be sure to remove the topsoil from the play area, then put down vinyl to prevent plant matter growing from underneath.

    Any equipment that can be tipped should have some kind of foundation under it.

    As Emily has said, have sand trucked in. It's a bit of work to get the sand spread out and leveled, but it's worth it.

    The nice part is the payment for all your work. When the kids are playing, go out to the playground, close your eyes, open your ears and get paid. There is nothing better than children's laughter.

  3. sand will attract neighbors cats as giant littler box-check with local gravel company and see if you can buy pea gravel buy the bucket load pretty cheap(need truck or trailer to haul it )make it about 3 inches thick will smother most grass and weeds- build borders with treated 2x4-state requirements only apply when its a business

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