
Infant/Toddler Lesson Plans?

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I'm beginning the first phase of my student teaching next month. The first half of the semester will be teaching children who are not yet old enough to attend public schools and have developmental delays. Some of the children are infants and toddlers. Does anyone have any lessons or websites that would help me out. I'm just trying to get some ideas ahead of time and have never written plans for this age group. Every activity must also be HANDS ON. I'm an Early Childhood Major and we can only teach hands on..NO worksheets or color pages! Thanks!




  1. Wherever you are going to school has the right idea. Get hold of the "Creative Curriculum" book on Infants and Toddlers. has some good toddler activities.The best learning activities for infants and toddlers are the ones that come from their interest in their environment. Don't worry about "teaching" them so much as providing materials for exploration and time to discover the world in a warm and loving environment. Given the right combination they will learn.

  2. Applesauce/ Pudding painting- very messy but fun

    Rice/Sand- tables

    Music- cds, playing instruments

    Environment- listening to cds, exploring outside

    Motor skills- many daycares have large type of balance beams to work on with the kids, or work on fine motor skills


    Cooking- obviously a very simple recipe though

    Songs with hand movements- open shut them, twinkle twinkle etc.

    Arts and Crafts- I'm sure you can find plenty of stuff online for that

    I created infant lesson plans, mainly think first what they need to learn, and then think of what activity would facilitate that.

    You can take really simple ideas and elaborate because they often have in many different developmental areas.

  3. i don't know about the infants...but toddlers i'm also majoring in early childhood, but i'm not as far as you.  my friends mom does the toddlers and kindergarteners.   green and red paint.  hand prints on the paper.  red means stop&no and green means go&yes.  have them tell you something they shouldn't do. (no hitting) green = sharing toys.  have them tape them places.  red on the door...they can't go out without a teacher.  a green on the toys or bookshelves. they can play and look at books by themselves.

  4. This one is kind of fun:

  5. Sing nursery rhymes and use hand gestures.  Something along the lines of itsy bitsy spider, or this little piggy went to the market..

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