
Infant adoption?

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Is it possible to adopt an infant via foster care? I checked out our State's web site, but specific info was not available....just wanted some advice from someone who's been there.......




  1. it is possible but hard to do

  2. Truely dependent on where  you live.  it is officially called 'foster to adopt'.  also, there are MANY babies out there waiting to be adopted, but people over look them because they may not be considered a "healthy" infant.  many of these babies have been prenatlly exposed to drugs/alcohol.  Alot of these children's birthparents willingly signed over their rights, so they are free to be adopted.

    LOTS of babies are being adopted, but the reason the respite provider is not seeing them is because they are not in foster care if they are being adopted.

  3. you can adopt an infant this way, but chances are the wait will be very long. Most infants are placed with private agencies by the birthmom to avoid putting them into foster care. Also the purpose of foster care is to preserve families whenever possible, so they will try to help the mother become capable of parenting the child before making the child available for adoption. Also the child may be taken from the parent due to substance abuse issues, so you need to consider  if you are okay with any associated health risks  the infant may have. This route is definitely cheaper than using an agency, but the wait is unpredictable. The wait is always unpredictable with domestic adoption, but this tends to be a longer route.

  4. It's possible, but Rare.

    I'm a Respite Provider in a Medical foster home taking care of mostly infants.  

    The babies are in care because their parents have done something illegal.  Crimes, doing ilegal drugs, physical abuse, etc.....

    In order to adopt one of those babies their parents have to give up their rights, which is Extremely RARE or their rights are terminated, but that normally takes 1-2 years of court hearings and second chances for the parents.

    The courts give them many chances to change their lives for the better and get their babies back and sometimes a relative is allowed to care for the baby instead.

    It would be easier for you to become a Foster Parent first and possibly adopt a baby in your care already once the parents rights are terminated.

    In the past Nine years of providing Respite in the same home only One baby under 1 year old has been adopted to a non-relative.

  5. yes it is possible. It really depends on the state you live in.

  6. yes when you sign up you can say what age range you want to adopt/foster.  There are lots of kids who are taken away from their mothers at birth because they have a history with the agency/jail or many other things.  The best way is to sign up to be a foster parent and tell them you want to adopt also.   The resaon is that foster parents get asked first if they want to adopt once the  parent looses rights and there are not that many infants. Say the age range and s*x you would like and you can also say if you won't accept children with certain disablities. The more specific you are though the less likley you are to get a child or you will have to wait a long time. So think long and hard about things and be willing to accept children of different races.  There is a 5 page sheet they gave us with every behavior, disability,and delay you can think of on it. You check what you are willing to and won't accept.  (some things are broad like will you accept a child with minor to moderate health issues this includes asthma and other chorinic things that thousands of children suffer with ) We just got license for 0-3 because we want a child around our child develpemental age. If we were going to have one biologically we would not have a big age gap but we can't have more bio kids.

  7. It's rare. If you request only infants they will recommend you to an agency instead.

    Best chances of having an infant placed with you is as part of a sibling group.

    When our son came home to us he was 6 weeks old. He had 2 other sisters that were removed at the same time as him. The sisters were placed with family. His family did not want him placed with them. He was is 3 foster homes in the three weeks before he was placed with us.

    This sister was 20 months old when placed with us the following month.

    Nine months later their baby sister was placed with us at birth.

    We never thought we would have infants it was pure luck.

    If your dead set on an infant go with an agency if your up for the surprises life can give you go with foster care adoption.

  8. I would say go ahead with the adoption, it's a great thing to do! and I'm not sure about the via foster care!!good luck!!

  9. I have a friend that had an adoptable infant placed with her.  The child's parents were arrested and deported and asked to leave the infant here in the states.  I'm not sure how common that is, but she was told that an adoptable infant was placed he would likely be Hispanic.  Either way, she is in the final stages of adoption.
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