
Infant sleeps on one side

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My 2 month old sleeps on her left side and her head is getting misshapen. What can I do to help prevent this? Her neck muscles are strong and she can move her head around, but she refuses to stay on her other side.




  1. Well when I was a newborn baby, what my mom did for me was she would lay me on one side, and every time I would get up to eat or whatever I had to do, I guess, she would flip me over onto my other side. You said that she won't sleep on her other side, so either talk to a doctor, or find a way to keep her on her other side.

    Hope I helped!

  2. hi there what i did was roll 2 blankets (not to big ofcorse) put one on each side of her then place her down on the side that u want her on the blankets prevent her from rolling around  if i can help u with anything else just let me know as i love to help  i realy hope this helps u let me know how u go

  3. it happens to my newborn too...i put 2 baby pillows one on each side, not by the head, but just below the head level, next to her shoulders and she has a head rest so that helps. Try it is only trial and error with these newborn lovelies...  

  4. My son had the same problem, and I wouldn't worry too much. Use the blanket method like someone else suggested (but be careful she doesn't suffocate, watch closely). Or when you lay her in a crib, lay her against the side of the crib so it forces her to lay on the side she doesn't use. Also, I used to massage my sons head in my hands in circular motions to smooth it out (since the head is soft anyways). Always feed her on the opposite side of the one she favors (like if she prefers to nurse on the right, nurse on the left). Also, using your hands, gently turn her neck slowly to the side she doesn't favor and hold it there to give the muscles a chance to loosen up. She'll probably resist but it helps, and your not hurting her. And try to put her in a position when she is laying down where she has to turn her head to look at things that stimulate her (like a crib mobile, toys, etc anything that catches her attention) Once she gets to be more mobile, it will reshape itself.

  5. Get a sleeping wedge and flip her around to the other side every couple of days.  The blanket thingies work great too.  

  6. I think Kristi M should not have responded to your question. But Anyways I wouldn't worry about it my daughter did the same thing and she is now almost 5 months old and she is no longer sleeping on one side and she is just fine. Once they learn how to roll over they usually no longer want to sleep on just one side. Good luck!!

  7. I wouldn't worry. It will even out once she starts getting a little more mobile.

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