
Infected Back Tooth and Penicillin.

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About a 2 weeks ago i was told i had an infected tooth. That i needed to take my back tooth out and my wisdom. I then went to another dentists for a second opinion. She told me just shoot for one meaning just try and get the one back one taken out. She also told me i had an infection and that i caught it early. I think it was a small infection. I was told to take penicillin for the infection but havent started yet. I'm dont want to take it becuase of the side affects. I don't really take medicine like that, but i heard that the infection can go throughout my body. Is that by itself or when they start working on the tooth. Should i start taking it right away or cn i wait. Thanks.




  1. Yes you should take the antibiotics!  Regardless of the infection you have to have something done with this tooth.  Once you have an infected tooth the only way to treat it is to either have it pulled, or have a root canal.  Treating it with antibiotics only will not fix the problem. the antibiotics will only minimize the amount of bacteria that is in the tooth.  Having an infection means that your nerve has died.  Once the nerve dies then it finds an escape through the gum tissue which usually thats when patients have a puss bubble on the gum.  If you get really bad reaction from the penicillin discuss it w/ your dentist to see of there is another antibiotic you can take.  (But Penn. is one of the best for a tooth infection!)  Make an appoint. with an Endodontist (Root Canal Specialist) and get his opinion!  

  2. Prophylactic antibiotics are usually prescribed prior to extraction or any procedure that involves an active infection & requires anesthesia for 2 primary reasons:

    - To arrest the infection and prevent systemic spread

    - Anesthesia won't be effective with an active inflammation especially if there is pus involved.

    Infection can spread throughout the body by itself cause sepsis (an infection spread thru the blood).

  3. If your dentist says take penicillin, take it. They're the professionals. I'm sure any damage from the infection is going to be tons worse than med side effects.

  4. Take the darned medicine, in extreme cases the infection from a tooth can go throughout your body and put you in the hospital for a couple of weeks.  It happened to my dentists wayward son.  If you are sensitive to yeast infections get diflucan to go with it or eat yogurt(active) Then get it taken care of! Leaving infection in your body is not a good idea.

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