
Infected Gum And Very Sore Tooth?

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2 days ago i was flossing with toothpick like floss sticks, but i guess my teeth are to close together so my gum started bleeding and hurting..the next morning i woke up and it was very sore...and now my tooth feels bruised! there anything that i can do to get the infection out or make the pain stop?




  1. Hello...What you describe sounds as though you simply bruised the gum tissue pretty deep around the teeth...Rinse your mouth with a 10% salt to water solution two or three times a day for the next three days to a week. I doubt you have an infection considering your explanation about the Dent-pick...If on the other hand it's not back to normal within a week see your DDS...good luck and I wish you well.

  2. you could try to gargle salt to heal the are that has bled

  3. Gargle 2 or 3 times a day with the Regular Ole BROWN Listerine for a few days, then cut it down to 2 times a day for another few days; then when you feel it healing up gargle daily.  

  4. Rinse with warm salt water...if things don't improve in a few days, go to the dentist. He'll likely put you on antibiotics, mouth rinse, or both. But usually the warm salt water will take care of it. Try orajel to minimize pain.

  5. When I was having nasty dental problems, I found that resting salt water or vodka around the affected area for a few minutes was a good temporary cure. However your situation sounds very serious. Consult a dentist as soon as you can.

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